Vydehi Cancer Center

Significance of Family History on Risk of Breast Cancer

Understanding How Your Family History Impacts Your Risk Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in India, and according to the National Cancer Registry Programme of India (NCRP),   it accounts for nearly one in four cancers diagnosed among women. While there are various risk factors for breast cancer, one of the most […]

How Artificial Intelligence is Used to Detect and Treat Cancer

Cancer remains one of the most formidable health challenges of our time, affecting millions of lives worldwide. However, amidst this daunting landscape, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of artificial intelligence (AI). Leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, AI is transforming the landscape of cancer detection and treatment, offering new avenues for […]

Types of Cancer Caused by Smoking and the Cancer Symptoms

Association Between Smoking and Cancer Smoking kills, and smoking causes cancer. But do you know what types of cancer are caused by smoking and what are the smoking cancer symptoms? A sizable portion of the general public prefers to ignore this message. Ironically, smoking is well-recognized, and many malignant conditions can be accessed. Most people equate Smoking with lung […]

Cancers In Young People! A Wake-Up Call

It is our belief that cancers are diseases of old age. It is true and still most cancers happen in people above 50 years. But there are trends in some cancers which require the attention of younger people. Findings from literature review suggests that in the last decade there has been rising trend of Breast, […]

Close The Care Gap

We often come across the term cancer, and it scares us the most, right? Our day-to-day habits, environmental factors, whatever the reason is, it is essential to spread awareness regarding cancer to close the care gap. Unfortunately, most of us are unfamiliar with the statement “Close the care gap.” Are you curious to know more? […]