Palliative care aims to improve quality of life and relieve suffering for patients with advanced cancers and those close to them by specifically addressing communication, symptom management, coordination of care, psychosocial and spiritual realms, grief and bereavement support, and legal and ethical concerns. At Vydehi Cancer Center, a dedicated team of doctors with a holistic approach deal with Cancer Pain and also Palliation, addressing all the issues mentioned above. Pain in cancer patients, not only the terminally ill, but also pain due to cancer treatment per se, are dealt with in a ‘step ladder fashion’. Cancer pain most often requires opiod analgesics, and Vydehi Cancer Center is one of the few centers approved to dispense these medications to those who require them. Pain due to spinal cord compression, cancer spread to bones, phantom pain, chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy, and pain due to nerve entrapment are a few of the common types of pain addressed in a multidisciplinary fashion.
Image guided nerve plexus blocks are an essential component of multidisciplinary approach to cancer pain management and a team of intervention radiation oncologists, experienced in the same administer it.